As 2019 comes to a speedy end, time is intent on trying to leave me behind with how fast it’s going by! I don’t know about you, but I find myself having to take stock of my next moves much more often then I use to. Time waits for no (wo)man and it certainly is not making any concessions for me; which brings me to #LifeGoals.
Taking stock or evaluating your next moves doesn’t have to involve writing a business plan for your life. All your plans do not have to be on a 1 – 5-year track, short #LifeGoals are highly effective in helping one move forward in a very meaningful way. Take for instance the holiday season we now find ourselves in, what goals have you set for this time? The new year is just around the corner and planning for your 2020 moves requires your immediate attention! This is the perfect opportunity to do things you’ve put off because you had it categorized under ‘next year I will….’; or ‘I will wait for the new year’; no do it now! Take that mini-vacation you‘ve been putting off but need desperately; take your kid(s) to that place they refuse to leave you alone about; read that book that’s been sitting on your nightstand for a year; seriously start the process to becoming a homeowner with the simple act of pulling your credit and reviewing it; the opportunities for small victories are endless. Completing these small tasks can get you to your final goal(s) surprisingly quick and you don’t have to put them off or feel as if you don’t have time or capacity, just do it!
As for me, I followed this path and completed some major projects both at home and at work that probably may not have gotten accomplished had I not started small. I am making headway towards my strategic goals that do require more time, thought and attention and I am feeling invigorated! Just take 1 – 2 hours out of a day, or every other day, and get started! #LifeGoals
Have a great week and give us a shout with your questions/comments/inquiries and follow us at
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