Renton is a thriving community just 11 miles south of the Seattle Central Business District. Renton offers great neighborhoods, amazing employment opportunities, and numerous services available to residents.
The city of Renton provides numerous services for work and play; with great parks, museums, and shopping opportunities which includes a very strong housing market. With so many great services and amenities, this city provides a unique opportunity in this region to live where you work and play.
The median price for this areas as of 2016 was reported at $445,000; as with any market, pricing will primarily be based on the specific wants and needs you have as the home buyer. Check out our saved searches below for this community.
Dining and Shopping
This is a great city for small business providing services to its local community. With great small retail stores, restaurants, mom and pop establishments, and local fare, you can get the small town feel with great city amenities.
There are also large retailers in the city such as IKEA, Fry’s Electronics and the Renton Auto Mall. You will also find additional shopping, dining, and entertainment at The Landing, a local regional outdoor shopping plaza where you won’t run out of amazing finds and experiences.
Parks and Recreation
The city of Renton offers many opportunities to get out and enjoy the beautiful Pacific Northwest with a wide variety of leisure and recreational programming for its residents. From arts & craft classes, athletic programs for all ages, and wellness services, Renton is committed to offering services to its residents.
In addition, the city provides great trails and bike paths for the avid outdoors person. The city has 29 developed public parks, 13 miles of trails, 813 acres of public open space, and a 18-hole public golf course. Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park is also in the city and consists of 57 acres of land and shoreline along the southeast corner of Lake Washington.