In my first life goals post, we started with small goals, but that phrase can be very intimidating. In America in general and the black community in specific, we are taught to be better. Not just better, but exceptional just so you can be on equal footing with your non-black counterparts because, well, we live in America.
This notion framed my professional development in my youth (my 20’s and early 30’s), as I am from the generation of the serious hustle! Nobody is going to do it for you, so get out there and make it happen! But I realized as I got older, I had no definitive goals for my life that I could articulate. I was always and forever grinding, without a clear path for the grind. It seems counterintuitive but all you grinders know what I am talking about, you just do!
My Journey
Wisdom is a valuable teacher, the Bible has an entire book, Proverbs, dedicated to it. There is nothing like it. My wisdom is enhanced through prayer, intuition, and, paying attention. I realized I was on a hamster wheel. So, I began the journey toward #LifeGoals. What was I given this life for and how can I use it to move people and live this life to its fullest? If you sincerely and earnestly ask, The Father will answer. For me, the answer was entrepreneurship and sharing through that platform. That is my current big #LifeGoal and all roads lead to it!
I want to enrich our community with black homeownership so that we can all begin to share in the American dream! Homeownership is never out of reach, maybe you aren’t ready today, but you can be fully prepared for a year from now. It is all about preparation. That is what I do! I work with and prepare my clients for the now or later, whatever is best for you!
If we are so blessed to continue the journey, you most certainly don’t have to relegate yourself to one #LifeGoal. This is my current one not my last! What are your life goals? Share with the community, maybe you will spark someone else’s thought process as that is how the community works! Until next time.
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