Unless you are independently wealthy, using the financing to buy a home is the option for most consumers. Mortgage lending has changed drastically due to the housing crash in 2007. The market did not immediately recover which resulted in stricter lending standards. But, don’t let this preclude you from buying a home. There are many programs available for everyone, such as the prime lending mortgage. There are also many factors you must consider if you are interested in a mortgage loan. Here are the top 4 things you should consider when shopping for a mortgage.
Select a Mortgage Suitable for your Financial Situation
One of the major benefits of buying a home is the tax deductions that you can realize once you are a homeowner. In addition, you must choose the correct mortgage product suitable for your financial situation. For example, a fixed-rate mortgage will give you a higher starting rate. However, your principal and interest payments stay the same. While an adjustable-rate mortgage’s interest rate tends to be lower, it has periodic adjustments throughout the life of the loan affecting your monthly payment. Be mindful of the entirety of the mortgage you are selecting. It is important that you do a personal accounting of your finances and consults a great mortgage loan officer.
Reduce your Debt-to-Income Ratio
If you are applying for a mortgage, lenders always look closely at your debt-to-income ratio. Debt-to-income ratio is the ratio of your monthly debt payment divided by your gross monthly income. It is one way for the lender to measure a person’s ability to manage their monthly payments and debts and their capacity to repay the loan.
Minimize Your Borrowing
More often than not, applying for new credit can have a huge effect on your credit report, which in turn impacts your eligibility when applying for a mortgage. If you know you will be applying for a mortgage in the near future, be sure to suspend any further inquiries on your credit until after your home closes. Inquiries and new accounts can and will affect your credit score and debt to income.
Educate Yourself
Knowledge is power. When dealing with a mortgage, you must be fully aware of your financial capacity, what you need, what you can afford, and what type of mortgage is perfect for you. You can conduct your own research regarding prime lending mortgage or consult your real estate broker regarding a good referral.
Homeownership is a dream for most but does not have to be difficult to achieve. If you are prepared prior to shopping for your home, it makes the process that much smoother. Buying your home is the single largest investment most Americans will make, so the best thing to do is to assess your preparedness and give us at Bascomb Real Estate Group a call!
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