Knowledge is power as the adage goes. The more information you have about first time homebuyer credit, the higher the likelihood that the decisions you make are going to benefit you and those you care for. Knowledge cannot be taken away, usurped, or destroyed once obtained, and building wealth in the community is central to consolidating that power. As potential homebuyers, you deserve to know the correct information about homebuying.
Every Wednesday we will provide answers to some of the questions most asked and the misinformation most conveyed to me about home buying. We will also use this forum to address questions you may have about buying property, whether it be lending, credit, saving, what you need, or what you don’t need, and share insights around the process with the community. We will start with one of the most common comments I hear:
I can’t afford to buy a house.
You can’t afford not to. Rents in the Puget Sound region from Everett to Lakewood are skyrocketing. With renting comes required deposits; first and last months rent to potentially be provided, and application fees to be paid. All of this goes towards adding equity and security to someone else’s property. This kind of money could be put towards starting on the path of building your own wealth and security with homeownership. Imagine that!
First time home buyers, especially, are met with challenges when it comes to purcashing their first home. The “first time homebuyer credit” for instance, is one of the most common questions we get. Our response? With down payment assistance, hardship loans for bad credit, and lender-specific credits, money is not the biggest barrier to buying, misinformation is. Contact Bascomb Real Estate Group, one of the premiere boutique real estate agents in Seattle Washington. Let us help you stay informed!
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